Yesterday, I made a list of various subjects that would be beneficial to a reader. The end of the list felt as though it had more potential than the beginning. Today, I am aiming to decide on a small set of post topics or genres that have a specific reader purpose.
...staying focused on writing and not worrying about school is hard...
The part of the list I like most from yesterday:
- letters that express common sentiments
- rewarding ways to stay connected with other human beings even when they live on the other side of the plant *cough* Kirsten *cough*
- inside the psychology of other people
- something that makes them feel "improved"
List of post topics for future reference
1) In the Kitchen --> Journalling about how I keep on top of providing nutritious meals for my family
--> Leave the reader with quick tips they could immediately try in their lives
2) Sharing Experience over Distance
--> I am mostly blank on what a post on this topic would include but I know that this is something I want to work on in my life and I think that other people could benefit
--> Letter writing fits in here in some way...
3) Achieving Life Goals
--> Reporting on my personal/professional goals and how I am meeting them
--> Keeps me accountable a motivated
--> Provides support for others who are trying to improve their lives
This is enough progress for tonight. Everything will become more specific over time. I will try one of these topics tomorrow.
Peace OUT
Leave a comment? Maybe? I'm a real person. You should show me you are a real person too.
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