Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Period of Discernment

So where could I go with writing a blog?

In the end, I see this blog as having two purposes. First, it would build a layer of trust and credibility to any business venture. Second, it would provide a rewarding emotional outlet that will allow me to build and strengthen social connections. 

My real dilemma is deciding how my writing could be useful to the outside world. I'm looking for a "niche" that I feel comfortable exposing to the outside world. The content needs to be something that I write about nearly daily with a fair amount of ease. Perhaps in the future, I will have the time to devote to developing well researched pieces. Eventually, I'd love to test gardening advice and post about the results. (And now I've written an entire paragraph about me and not my reader.)

Brainstorm a list of things "my reader" would want to read and share

  • encouraging words
  • solutions for everyday life
  • productivity tips
  • growing lovely things
  • dealing with traffic and work life
  • planning for home life
  • life life life life :P
  • letters that express common sentiments
  • rewarding ways to stay connected with other human beings even when they live on the other side of the plant *cough* Kirsten *cough*
  • inside the psychology of other people
  • something that makes them feel "improved"
Alright. That seems to be enough for tonight. That last bit sounds intriguing but not necessarily related to the first purpose I listed above. 

If you are still reading, please comment. Tell me anything. 

I'd really appreciate confirmation that any of my views are a real person and not just internet robots....

Peace Out! (Ok maybe that's not the best sign off but it's what I've got tonight.)

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